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EFG, the UK’s largest independent wholesaler, offers over 50,000 product lines across a wide variety of product categories, and our range of DIY products is no exception. Whether you’re a DIY store looking to refresh your stock, or you’re an independent retailer looking to attract DIY enthusiasts, you’ve come to the right place.

Many people enjoy to perform DIY experiments in their home, for example renovating their kitchens or doing-up their bathrooms. Make sure they have everything they need to get started by providing them with suitable tools.

DIY isn’t always a huge process, it can be as simple as fitting a new light bulb. Ensure your DIY store has all the essential accessories and hardware pieces your customers will need to finish the job.

If you want to take advantage of our advantageous trade prices, you’ll need to register for a trade account with us. Simply fill in the registration form online and you’ll be good to go, as soon as we’ve confirmed your account. Alternatively, if you want to see all our DIY products first hand, you can pay a visit to our depot in Enfield. 

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