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Start browsing through our range of over 40,000 products by finding the right department for your requirements. We’ve handily listed all our departments in one place for you here, so take a look and start to find great wholesale items for your store.

Select a category from the filter and start exploring thousands of products for all occasions, seasons and customer demographics. Whatever you’re looking for, we’re confident that we’ll have it ready for you and your customers.

Tailor your price range to your needs and shop for the products you need. We have something for every store in the country – from giftware, to DIY, toys, partyware, electrical items, plasticware, toiletries, seasonal products and many more categories. We try to stock the products people want, and then make it easy for you to purchase and stock them.

Interested in ordering from EFG Housewares? Remember, we offer free delivery on UK orders when you spend over £600. We can be your cash and carry online, and are here to offer the best deals.

We allow you to browse and buy our products without even signing up for a trade account, although we love welcoming new trade customers. If you’d like to become one, click here.

Also, if you’re not too sure what you’re looking for just yet, then drop us a message and get in touch. We’d be happy to point you in the right direction.

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